Thursday, December 13, 2007
Chapter 2 Depression Girls Sound Portrait
Susan: Welcome back to the story about Treva, Mae, and Bea, and how growing up in the depression has effected their lives.
Mae continues with stories about her father’s ice business.
Mae: Card in the window, if they wanted 25 pounds they would put the 25 sign out, 50, 75, 100 – whatever they wanted. Depended how big their ice box was. And uh, most people bought either 25 or 50 pounds. But, the groceries they would buy like the 100 pounds, 300 pounds. And then they would chip it up and for the meat.
Susan: Mae’s family works the ice business alone.
Mae: Oh workers, no just my dad and my mom sometimes my sister if she happened to be there, but mostly my mom or my dad.
Susan: Mae’s dad would cut the ice for the children of the neighborhood on very hot days.
Mae: on ice runs, you know, and I would go with him. And like I said he used to cut up 25 lbs of ice, and the children would come running. And, dad would cut up pieces and give them chunks of ice.
Susan: With winter in the air and Christmas around the corner, we will hear Mae, Treva, and Bea talk about Christmases past.
Mae: I have a lot of good memories, uh, I wanted a sled and my mom and dad couldn’t afford to buy one, so my dad made me one out of wood that he had. And, he put used two by fours for the runners and it made it so heavy I couldn’t use it. So, he would tie it on the back of the car and pull me, because there was no traffic then, and he would pull me out in the country on my sled.
And, one time I wanted a bicycle, and we couldn’t afford that either. So, they traveled to different used bicycle stores and uh shops, and finally they found a $.26 small tired bike. And that time they were the balloon tires, but I didn’t care as long as I could ride the bicycle and I did and I loved that bicycle. So, I think they only gave like $2 or $3 for it.
So it was something that I really enjoyed.
So, My sister worked at the underwear factory were Dolly Toy is now, and uh, of course when they made the underwear there was a lot of scraps pieces. And, Mr. Leeheart was the cutter he cut big stacks of material. And, I used to go over and watch him do it. And, my sister would gather up pieces. And, one year for Christmas they went together and I got a wicker baby cab for Christmas, and the next year I got a doll baby doll. And, she had made a whole little trunk full of clothes for my doll out of those scrapes from the underwear factory, and uh, my sisters where always doing for me as, well as my parents, and actually I had three mothers and two dads.
Susan: Bea tells her story
Bea: Oh yea, roller skates I wanted and I didn’t have any. And, uh a friend of ours went down and got the man go down and open the store. So, I went and my roller skates.
Susan: Treva’s favorite Christmas
Treva: I remember one Christmas, my grandma and grandpa lived up the road from us about a block and I went over. And, she had borders and I could help her once in a while. And, she had a border with red hair his name was Ray Wispy. And, he bought me a doll baby with red hair and I had that for a long time and I don’t know what happened to it. I liked that doll baby. That was the best Christmas I had.
Susan: In 1932, Treva has a son Don who is 2 years old and she talks about a good Christmas for him.
Treva: Oh well when Don was about 2 years old, I think he was. The family got together, Jackie and the rest of them bought him a car to ride in, and that was something that was a good Christmas for him.
Susan: The stories will continue of Treva, Mae and Bea living during the depression.
Mae continues with stories about her father’s ice business.
Mae: Card in the window, if they wanted 25 pounds they would put the 25 sign out, 50, 75, 100 – whatever they wanted. Depended how big their ice box was. And uh, most people bought either 25 or 50 pounds. But, the groceries they would buy like the 100 pounds, 300 pounds. And then they would chip it up and for the meat.
Susan: Mae’s family works the ice business alone.
Mae: Oh workers, no just my dad and my mom sometimes my sister if she happened to be there, but mostly my mom or my dad.
Susan: Mae’s dad would cut the ice for the children of the neighborhood on very hot days.
Mae: on ice runs, you know, and I would go with him. And like I said he used to cut up 25 lbs of ice, and the children would come running. And, dad would cut up pieces and give them chunks of ice.
Susan: With winter in the air and Christmas around the corner, we will hear Mae, Treva, and Bea talk about Christmases past.
Mae: I have a lot of good memories, uh, I wanted a sled and my mom and dad couldn’t afford to buy one, so my dad made me one out of wood that he had. And, he put used two by fours for the runners and it made it so heavy I couldn’t use it. So, he would tie it on the back of the car and pull me, because there was no traffic then, and he would pull me out in the country on my sled.
And, one time I wanted a bicycle, and we couldn’t afford that either. So, they traveled to different used bicycle stores and uh shops, and finally they found a $.26 small tired bike. And that time they were the balloon tires, but I didn’t care as long as I could ride the bicycle and I did and I loved that bicycle. So, I think they only gave like $2 or $3 for it.
So it was something that I really enjoyed.
So, My sister worked at the underwear factory were Dolly Toy is now, and uh, of course when they made the underwear there was a lot of scraps pieces. And, Mr. Leeheart was the cutter he cut big stacks of material. And, I used to go over and watch him do it. And, my sister would gather up pieces. And, one year for Christmas they went together and I got a wicker baby cab for Christmas, and the next year I got a doll baby doll. And, she had made a whole little trunk full of clothes for my doll out of those scrapes from the underwear factory, and uh, my sisters where always doing for me as, well as my parents, and actually I had three mothers and two dads.
Susan: Bea tells her story
Bea: Oh yea, roller skates I wanted and I didn’t have any. And, uh a friend of ours went down and got the man go down and open the store. So, I went and my roller skates.
Susan: Treva’s favorite Christmas
Treva: I remember one Christmas, my grandma and grandpa lived up the road from us about a block and I went over. And, she had borders and I could help her once in a while. And, she had a border with red hair his name was Ray Wispy. And, he bought me a doll baby with red hair and I had that for a long time and I don’t know what happened to it. I liked that doll baby. That was the best Christmas I had.
Susan: In 1932, Treva has a son Don who is 2 years old and she talks about a good Christmas for him.
Treva: Oh well when Don was about 2 years old, I think he was. The family got together, Jackie and the rest of them bought him a car to ride in, and that was something that was a good Christmas for him.
Susan: The stories will continue of Treva, Mae and Bea living during the depression.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Chapter 1 Sound Portrait - The Great Depression

standing up: Mae Ronan, sitting from left: Bea Trupp, Treva Dixson
Susan North: On October 29, 1929, otherwise known as Black Tuesday, the stock market crashed causing the worst financial disaster to blow the United States into destitute times that will last for 11 years. The president at this time was Herbert Hoover, the 31st president, and his view was only moderate, as he encouraged businesses not to cut wages, but failed to force them to do so. As unemployment rose, Hoover began some small relief programs that included public works projects, but no program grew to the size that was needed to combat the depression.
By 1933, the worst point in the depression, more then 15 million Americans – one quarter of the nation’s workforce was unemployed. The same year, Hoover lost the presidency to Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR).
On an unusually warm early October day in 2007, I was able to sit down and listen to Treva Hahn Dixson (96 years old), born 1911 in Bethel Township, Ohio – she was 18 years old at the time of the stock market crash, Berniece (Bea) Dixson Trupp (95 years old), born 1912 in Tipp City, Ohio – she was 17 years old at the time of the stock market crash, and Mae Dixson Ronan (85 years old), born 1922 in Tipp City, Ohio – she was 7 years old at the time of the stock market crash, as two young adults and a child that lived through the depression, you will hear in their own words, the caring and unselfishness that gave people the courage to pull together to survive. During the interview Bea’s son Danny Trupp is present.
Mae: It was during the depression and men who worked on the railroad - a lot of times when trains would go on sighting - and they were loaded with coal they would kick it off - and the people would go out and pick it up and that is what they burned in the winter besides wood. Men worked on the railroad knew what the depression was even though they had jobs. But, huh, they realized that people were in destitute circumstances, so they would try to help them in that way.
Susan: Times during the depression are tough for everyone, and with the help of others in Tipp City, people are able to endure and protect each other.
Mae: My sisters and brother - everyone helped everyone else. If you had and they didn’t you shared what you had.
Susan: Walking through downtown Tipp City, Ohio today, you would never know the effects the depression had on people. The businesses are booming, and the town is growing.
Bea: When the banks went under, it bothered them the same as anyone else - was hard on them – businesses. What businesses were here, ugh, the soap company and the canning factory. What else?
Bea: Yea (clock chimes)
Danny reminds his mother - Bea: Spring Hill Nursery – were Dad worked. Dad worked there at Spring Hill Nursery.
Bea: He worked at Spring Hill Nursery.
Mae: There was a furniture factory on Walnut Street and the Buggy Whip Factory.
Susan: As an 18 year old during the depression, Treva talks about her work experience.
Treva: I worked at Fireworks – Gilgore, Superior Underwear Factory. I went to Piqua and worked up there, too, at Superior. I started at the fireworks for $.25 an hour. It was good money then, we thought.
Susan: Mae talks about her and Bea’s dad and what he did for a living.
Mae, No, he had the ice business – he started the ice business when I was about six years old, and uh, he had it for, I guess, about ten years. Till electricity, electric refrigerators came out. And, up until that time he not only delivered to households, but all the stores had to have ice for their meats and their vegetables and so forth. And, so he delivered to all the stores. I can remember Fringes had a store, right up by the railroad. Audie Frings dad, and uh, I can remember going there with dad to deliver ice and the other grocery. Whatever grocery was available, or was there at the time, he furnished ice for them.
Treva: They went house to house delivering ice.
Mae: Yea, and they’d come to the house, cause we had an ice house. And, it was made with, uh, it was filled with cork for insulation, and uh, it would keep the ice from melting. And, my mom would always wait on people that came to the house if dad wasn’t there. And uh, then we would also sell, they had pop, I remember I like grape pop (laughs), and I was always begging them for grape pop. But, uh, they wouldn’t give it to me because they had it to sell.
I can remember friend of my mom’s came, and she had rescued a little squirrel, and uh when they would come for ice that little squirrel would be curled up on her lap. And, but she wouldn’t let anyone touch it because it would bite.
And, then there was a man come that always, uh a uh, a big German shepherd and he would ride on the running board of the car, because all cars had running boards then. And, he would come with the dog sitting on the running board to get his ice.
Susan: To hear more of Treva, Mae, and Bea stay tuned for more stories in their words.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
60 second commerical
60 second commercial for a personalized card from Hallmark.
(Daughter in military, which is stationed overseas, she sends her Dad a birthday card from her station overseas.)
(Amy at the post office: I want to make sure my dad gets this card a week from today.)
Postmaster: Yes, you have sent it first class air.
Amy: Thanks!
(Then shows Amy getting on a military plane)
(Scene changes to dad getting mail from mailbox, and then shows the dad in the house. He opens the card and the front of the card shows a picture of his daughter.)
Dad begins to read the card out loud: Dad, I wish I could spend your special day with you. Since that is not possible, I’m sending this card with my picture to remind you that I Love You and I wish you a very Happy Birthday! I hope to see you soon, Love, Amy
(The phone rings and the dad answers the phone)
Amy: Dad?
Dad: Amy!
Amy: Dad, Happy Birthday, did you get my card yet?
Dad: Yes, thank you! I miss you Amy, when is your next scheduled leave?
Amy: Really soon, dad! (The door bell rings) I heard the door bell dad; I better let you go it. I love you and Happy Birthday, dad! Bye.
Dad: Bye Amy, Thank you and I love you!
(Dad answers the door (Amy is standing there on the other side!)
Amy: Happy Birthday DAD! Surprise!
Dad: AMY!
Both cry….
Announcer: When you care enough to send the best. Send a Hallmark.
(Daughter in military, which is stationed overseas, she sends her Dad a birthday card from her station overseas.)
(Amy at the post office: I want to make sure my dad gets this card a week from today.)
Postmaster: Yes, you have sent it first class air.
Amy: Thanks!
(Then shows Amy getting on a military plane)
(Scene changes to dad getting mail from mailbox, and then shows the dad in the house. He opens the card and the front of the card shows a picture of his daughter.)
Dad begins to read the card out loud: Dad, I wish I could spend your special day with you. Since that is not possible, I’m sending this card with my picture to remind you that I Love You and I wish you a very Happy Birthday! I hope to see you soon, Love, Amy
(The phone rings and the dad answers the phone)
Amy: Dad?
Dad: Amy!
Amy: Dad, Happy Birthday, did you get my card yet?
Dad: Yes, thank you! I miss you Amy, when is your next scheduled leave?
Amy: Really soon, dad! (The door bell rings) I heard the door bell dad; I better let you go it. I love you and Happy Birthday, dad! Bye.
Dad: Bye Amy, Thank you and I love you!
(Dad answers the door (Amy is standing there on the other side!)
Amy: Happy Birthday DAD! Surprise!
Dad: AMY!
Both cry….
Announcer: When you care enough to send the best. Send a Hallmark.
My 30 second commercial
My 30-second commercial.
Setting backyard of a suburbia house, sounds – boy laughing and talking to his dog about how pretty the dog looks now.
Mom: (talking to her child) Billy do you know where my new Suave shampoo is?
Billy: (smiling, with golden retriever dog, clean and brushed out with glowing shiny hair, standing next to the boy) Mommy, I washed the dog all by myself!
Mom: (patiently) Billy, what did you use to wash the dog with?
Billy: (holding up an empty bottle of his mom’s new Suave shampoo) I used it on Rover, Mommy! It made his hair shiny and he smells pretty, like you Mommy! (Billy innocent, big smile)
(pan off of mother outraged face)
Announcer: For glowing shiny and pretty smelling hair -- Suave. Visit us at
Setting backyard of a suburbia house, sounds – boy laughing and talking to his dog about how pretty the dog looks now.
Mom: (talking to her child) Billy do you know where my new Suave shampoo is?
Billy: (smiling, with golden retriever dog, clean and brushed out with glowing shiny hair, standing next to the boy) Mommy, I washed the dog all by myself!
Mom: (patiently) Billy, what did you use to wash the dog with?
Billy: (holding up an empty bottle of his mom’s new Suave shampoo) I used it on Rover, Mommy! It made his hair shiny and he smells pretty, like you Mommy! (Billy innocent, big smile)
(pan off of mother outraged face)
Announcer: For glowing shiny and pretty smelling hair -- Suave. Visit us at
Commercial Spot transcript
This is the dialog from the Life cereal commercial with Mikey. 30 second
First boy: What’s this stuff?
Second boy: Some cereal, supposed to be good for you
First boy: I’m not going to try it.
Second boy: Let’s get Mickey
First boy: Yea, he won’t eat, he hates everything.
Second boy: He likes it, hey Mickey!
Announcer: Regular, Cinnamon, and Raisin Life, nutritious delicious.
This is dialog from a Dell Christmas Commercial. 60 second
Phone ringing
Woman Operator: Thanks for calling Dell, what can we build for you?
Man: Yea, hi, I would like to get a computer for my daughter.
Woman Operator: Ok, great, let’s get started.
Man: Ok
Woman Operator: So, how do you think she will be using it?
Man: She’s in college now, so writing papers, research, email.
Woman Operator: You know a wireless card is a great way for you daughter to work and stay connected.
Man: She’d love that.
Woman Operator: What else?
Man: Uhhh, I know she’s into music.
Woman Operator: Ok, keep going.
Man: Oh, and she loves digital photography.
Woman Operator: Well, let’s set her up with a larger hard drive. That would be perfect for storing her photos and music.
Store Clerk: Price check….
Man: Oh, I need to get her a printer, too.
Woman Operator: No problem, we have an all in one printer that would be great for her.
Man: Fantastic!
Woman Operator: You’re all set; we will get that right out.
Man: Great thanks!
Announcer: At Dell you get the computer that’s right from you right from home, Dell purely you.
First boy: What’s this stuff?
Second boy: Some cereal, supposed to be good for you
First boy: I’m not going to try it.
Second boy: Let’s get Mickey
First boy: Yea, he won’t eat, he hates everything.
Second boy: He likes it, hey Mickey!
Announcer: Regular, Cinnamon, and Raisin Life, nutritious delicious.
This is dialog from a Dell Christmas Commercial. 60 second
Phone ringing
Woman Operator: Thanks for calling Dell, what can we build for you?
Man: Yea, hi, I would like to get a computer for my daughter.
Woman Operator: Ok, great, let’s get started.
Man: Ok
Woman Operator: So, how do you think she will be using it?
Man: She’s in college now, so writing papers, research, email.
Woman Operator: You know a wireless card is a great way for you daughter to work and stay connected.
Man: She’d love that.
Woman Operator: What else?
Man: Uhhh, I know she’s into music.
Woman Operator: Ok, keep going.
Man: Oh, and she loves digital photography.
Woman Operator: Well, let’s set her up with a larger hard drive. That would be perfect for storing her photos and music.
Store Clerk: Price check….
Man: Oh, I need to get her a printer, too.
Woman Operator: No problem, we have an all in one printer that would be great for her.
Man: Fantastic!
Woman Operator: You’re all set; we will get that right out.
Man: Great thanks!
Announcer: At Dell you get the computer that’s right from you right from home, Dell purely you.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Soap Making - 101 Images of Soap Making
These images are in conjunction with my soap making posts. They show a different soap recipe; however, it also shows the steps (in pictures) to take when making soap. Also the images are part of my image essay for digital photography.

equipment, butters, oils

Instead of water - I used aloe vera juice instead.

Lye into the aloe vera juice.

stirring the lye/aloe

measuring coconut oil

measuring soybean oil

measuring rice bran oil

measuring olive oil

pouring oils into pan to melt

oils before melted

melted oils and lye/aloe being poured in
equipment, butters, oils
Instead of water - I used aloe vera juice instead.
Lye into the aloe vera juice.
stirring the lye/aloe
measuring coconut oil
measuring soybean oil
measuring rice bran oil
measuring olive oil
pouring oils into pan to melt
oils before melted
melted oils and lye/aloe being poured in
oils/lye/aloe at trace
Thursday, October 11, 2007
News Around the World - repost
I changed blogs and never reposted my news around the world. So.....
News around the world is always interesting to see if people from different regions have issues that relate to each other. Choosing newspapers from three US states: Alabama; Alaska; Florida, and two from outside the US: United Kingdom, and Jamaica, I will find out what is important to each region. Do they have similar headlines, or similar concerns? These headlines are from September 6, 2007. These newspapers where chosen from
Birmingham News, Birmingham, Alabama: , headlines: Actor Fred Thompson makes move for the US Presidency. Shaky funds may face 10 more school closings, because of fund shortages for state requirements. German’s disrupt terror plot against US. Apple cuts iPhone price as new iPod debuts.
Security safety for the US and other nations seems to be on everyone’s mind as September 11, 2007 approaches. Reading the taken down of terror plots against the US, reaffirms the people of all nations that the US will be watching to keep the great nation of the US safe by any means. It is no doubt that schools all over the world are having funding issues.
Anchorage Daily News, Anchorage, Alaska: , Witnesses balk in ex-stripper’s murder, key witness refusing to testify. Corruption trials divided, Pete Kott: former speaker of the house.
The Ledger, Lakeland, Florida: , 3 Arrested In Germany: Terror Plot. Lakeland family is separated by rules at airport in Israel. Publix CEO, Charles Jenkins, Jr. to retire. Fred Thompson joins White House race.
Traveling to a country overseas can be a scary issue for people during these uncertain times. It must be hard to want to go back to your homeland country to visit relatives, and not knowing if you will return to the place you call home.
The Herald, Glasgow, UK: , Teenage drinking spirals into drug abuse and crime. Swoop Terror Plot suspects.
Scotland finds itself dealing with teenage drinking that lead to drug abuse and crime. All around the world, teenage drinking is an issue that parents face.
The Gleaner, Jamaica: , School fees safe
School issues and funding again, even Jamaica is not escaping the fact that there is a real issue on school funding. Not just for Jamaica, but around the world schools are need funds to operate.
News around the world is always interesting to see if people from different regions have issues that relate to each other. Choosing newspapers from three US states: Alabama; Alaska; Florida, and two from outside the US: United Kingdom, and Jamaica, I will find out what is important to each region. Do they have similar headlines, or similar concerns? These headlines are from September 6, 2007. These newspapers where chosen from
Birmingham News, Birmingham, Alabama: , headlines: Actor Fred Thompson makes move for the US Presidency. Shaky funds may face 10 more school closings, because of fund shortages for state requirements. German’s disrupt terror plot against US. Apple cuts iPhone price as new iPod debuts.
Security safety for the US and other nations seems to be on everyone’s mind as September 11, 2007 approaches. Reading the taken down of terror plots against the US, reaffirms the people of all nations that the US will be watching to keep the great nation of the US safe by any means. It is no doubt that schools all over the world are having funding issues.
Anchorage Daily News, Anchorage, Alaska: , Witnesses balk in ex-stripper’s murder, key witness refusing to testify. Corruption trials divided, Pete Kott: former speaker of the house.
The Ledger, Lakeland, Florida: , 3 Arrested In Germany: Terror Plot. Lakeland family is separated by rules at airport in Israel. Publix CEO, Charles Jenkins, Jr. to retire. Fred Thompson joins White House race.
Traveling to a country overseas can be a scary issue for people during these uncertain times. It must be hard to want to go back to your homeland country to visit relatives, and not knowing if you will return to the place you call home.
The Herald, Glasgow, UK: , Teenage drinking spirals into drug abuse and crime. Swoop Terror Plot suspects.
Scotland finds itself dealing with teenage drinking that lead to drug abuse and crime. All around the world, teenage drinking is an issue that parents face.
The Gleaner, Jamaica: , School fees safe
School issues and funding again, even Jamaica is not escaping the fact that there is a real issue on school funding. Not just for Jamaica, but around the world schools are need funds to operate.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Soap Making 101 - Key words
Possible key words for web site optimization:
Cold process soap making, handmade natural soap, soap making 101, lye, sodium hydroxide, Saponification
Cold process soap making, handmade natural soap, soap making 101, lye, sodium hydroxide, Saponification
Soap Making 101 - Marketing
Marketing: When faced with the challenge of producing a product to sell, conduct a screening process to find out if the new product will be a good match to your company’s objectives and resources. The screening process can provide answers to certain marketing questions like; what are the intended purchases of consumers? Are consumers ready for a product such as this? And, are consumers willing to change the product they are using now?
Your company should analyze the overall ability to produce and market a product in the screening process.
In order to find out if consumers are ready for a new soap product, conduct a survey. This survey should be distributed to consumers in various demographics to find out if they would be interested in purchasing the new product. Then analyze the information to determine the path of the product. If the results of the analysis determine that the product will fit the needs of consumers, plans can then be set in place for the next step. If the survey determines the product will not fit the needs of consumers, either eliminate the idea or changed the way to fit the needs of consumers
After determining your target market, introduce your soap to Boutiques and gifts shops within your target market. Develop and optimize a website on the Internet to promote product awareness. Sell off the website, but only for the price that is offered in the boutiques and gift shops. Advertising in your local newspapers after you have entered the boutiques and gift shops can draw traffic to your soaps. Offer a coupon for a discount off the soap to pull customers.
Your company should analyze the overall ability to produce and market a product in the screening process.
In order to find out if consumers are ready for a new soap product, conduct a survey. This survey should be distributed to consumers in various demographics to find out if they would be interested in purchasing the new product. Then analyze the information to determine the path of the product. If the results of the analysis determine that the product will fit the needs of consumers, plans can then be set in place for the next step. If the survey determines the product will not fit the needs of consumers, either eliminate the idea or changed the way to fit the needs of consumers
After determining your target market, introduce your soap to Boutiques and gifts shops within your target market. Develop and optimize a website on the Internet to promote product awareness. Sell off the website, but only for the price that is offered in the boutiques and gift shops. Advertising in your local newspapers after you have entered the boutiques and gift shops can draw traffic to your soaps. Offer a coupon for a discount off the soap to pull customers.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Soap Making 101 - 7
A business profile: SunFeather Natural Soap Company.
For over 27 years, SunFeather Natural Soap Company has been making natural body products. Sandra (Sandy) Maine the founder of SunFeather started making soap, in 1979 in her kitchen, at the age of 22. Located in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains in Northern New York, Sandy is known as the godmother of the vegan, olive oil, cold process soap.
Processing 4,000 pounds of soap weekly, SunFeather offers only the highest quality of ingredients in its end product. It offers soap making ingredients and soap making equipment for the novice soap maker.
By developing her soap making process and the soap making equipment, Sandy has molded SunFeather Natural Soap Company into a million dollar business. SunFeather soap has fans across the country and world, including Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton. SunFeather offers custom soaps and private labels.
Sandy has, also, written many articles and books on soap making.
For over 27 years, SunFeather Natural Soap Company has been making natural body products. Sandra (Sandy) Maine the founder of SunFeather started making soap, in 1979 in her kitchen, at the age of 22. Located in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains in Northern New York, Sandy is known as the godmother of the vegan, olive oil, cold process soap.
Processing 4,000 pounds of soap weekly, SunFeather offers only the highest quality of ingredients in its end product. It offers soap making ingredients and soap making equipment for the novice soap maker.
By developing her soap making process and the soap making equipment, Sandy has molded SunFeather Natural Soap Company into a million dollar business. SunFeather soap has fans across the country and world, including Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton. SunFeather offers custom soaps and private labels.
Sandy has, also, written many articles and books on soap making.
Soap Making 101 - 6
How/why I got started making soap.
I began making soap in 1999 in my kitchen. I was a 28 year old stay-at-home mom. With two young children tucked away for naps, I began searching the internet for a creative way to pass the time. I came across a web-site on making your own soap. I cannot remember the site’s name; however, after reading the instructions I knew I had to try it for myself. After gathering all the necessary items for a small, probably, 1 pound batch, I was hooked! I couldn’t believe that I had actually made soap myself, in my own kitchen! WOW! After perfecting my own technique of soap making, I have not bought soap in a grocery store since. Now mind you, I still buy handmade soap from fellow soapers. I have been part of a group from Yahoo: OhioSoapers since 2000, with over 300 members, we get together once a year for a Soap making gathering (convention).
I began making soap in 1999 in my kitchen. I was a 28 year old stay-at-home mom. With two young children tucked away for naps, I began searching the internet for a creative way to pass the time. I came across a web-site on making your own soap. I cannot remember the site’s name; however, after reading the instructions I knew I had to try it for myself. After gathering all the necessary items for a small, probably, 1 pound batch, I was hooked! I couldn’t believe that I had actually made soap myself, in my own kitchen! WOW! After perfecting my own technique of soap making, I have not bought soap in a grocery store since. Now mind you, I still buy handmade soap from fellow soapers. I have been part of a group from Yahoo: OhioSoapers since 2000, with over 300 members, we get together once a year for a Soap making gathering (convention).
Soap Making 101 - 5
Lesson 5 - Susan's Basic Soap Recipe
Basic Soap Recipe
- for a 3 pound batch of soap
4 ounces of cocoa butter
9 ounces of tallow (I like deer)
10 ounces of coconut oil
12 ounces of olive oil
15 ounces of palm oil
7 ounces of lye
16 ounces of water
2 ounces of fragrance (if desired)
½ ounce of color (if desired)
Basic Soap Recipe
- for a 3 pound batch of soap
4 ounces of cocoa butter
9 ounces of tallow (I like deer)
10 ounces of coconut oil
12 ounces of olive oil
15 ounces of palm oil
7 ounces of lye
16 ounces of water
2 ounces of fragrance (if desired)
½ ounce of color (if desired)
Soap Making 101 - 4
Lesson 4 - Soap Making: Cold Process Method
One of the most common mistakes soap makers make is not weighing the ingredients carefully. Make sure you use an accurate scale to weigh your oils and your Lye.
- The lye/water phase. Measures the cold/room temperature water in plastic bowl (amount specified by recipe) then pour into a clean plastic/glass container. Measure lye (amount specified by recipe). Stirring, slowly add lye to the water. NEVER ADD WATER TO LYE, (this will cause a volcano effect and may cause serious burns to skin.) This mixture will quickly become very hot. Continue stirring until the water turns clear. Do not inhale the fumes. Place a candy thermometer in the cup, do not rest it on the bottom as it will give you a false reading — keep it somewhere in the middle. Let this mixture cool to 120°F - 130°F.
- The Oil Phase. While the water is cooling. Measure in plastic bowl all hard oils/butters (amount specified by recipe). Add the oils/butters to the stainless steel pot. Use a rubber spatula to get all the oil out of the measuring cup. Gently heat hard oils/butters on a stove burner: Be careful not to burn oils. After the hard oils/butter have melted, measure the soft/liquid oils in the plastic measuring cup and pour into the melted hard oils/butters. When both oil phase and lye/water phase have reached their required temperatures (120°F - 130°F), slowly pour the lye/water mixture into the oil mixture gently stirring in small circles.Note: Always add lye/water to oil, not the other way around.Continue to stir this mixture even after you have finished combining the two parts. Use a figure 8 pattern for stirring — being careful to incorporate the sides as well, or you can use a stick blender to acquire a faster trace.
- Stir the soap mixture until it “traces”. This is a term to describe the consistency or thickness, and the stage where the soap mixture is ready to pour into molds. Tracing is easily recognized. Using a plastic spatula, drizzle a small amount across the top of the soap mixture. If a mark or trail remains for a few seconds before disappearing again, your soap has traced. The mixture should be the consistency of liquid honey or pudding before it’s poured. If your soap takes a little longer than normal, don’t worry — just keep stirring and it will eventually trace. Tracing time for formulas can vary greatly; affected by room temperatures, humidity levels, and the speed of stirring.
- After the soap traces, you can add your own herbs and/or fragrance/essential oils. Do not use perfume or extracts of any kind as the alcohol content may interfere with the soap making process.
- After adding any additional ingredients, pour your soap mixture into the mold. Keep out of pets and children’s reach. Let set undisturbed for 24 – 48 hours. Molding tip: Lining your mold with parchment paper or mineral oil can make the soap easier to un-mold.
- When removing soap from the mold, wear gloves to protect your hands. The soap may be slightly caustic at this stage and can irritate your skin. Gently press the back of the mold. You may find twisting the mold slightly works as well — same technique as removing ice from ice cube trays. If your soap will not release easily, try placing the mold in the freezer for one hour. Freezing causes moisture loss and the soap will contract and pull away from the edges. Use a large knife to cut your soap into desired size bars.
- After soap has been cut into bars, place them on a piece of parchment paper in a cool, dry, dark place to cure 4 to 6 weeks. This time is necessary for the moisture to evaporate. Using the soap prematurely will lead to a spongy bar that may not lather or last very long.
Note: Within 1/2 hour of pouring your soap into the mold you should notice it becoming hotter and turning dark in the middle. It can become quite dark and somewhat transparent. Bubbles may also come to the surface. This is a sign that your soap is properly neutralizing. It should stay hot like this for several hours before cooling and becoming light in color again.
If formulating your own soap recipe, my favorite soap/lye calculator - to help figure your water and lye is – Majestic Mountain Sage
Soap Making 101 - 3
Lesson 3 - supplies that you will need
Rubber gloves
Rubber spatula
Stainless steel slotted spoon
Plastic cup for measuring lye (sodium hydroxide)
Plastic bowl for measuring water/oils – should hold at least 4 cups
Plastic/glass container for lye water – will hold at least 4 cups
Stick blender (if desired)
Mold to pour your soap (wood, plastic, PVC pipe, cardboard)
Stainless steel pot
Distilled or filtered water
Parchment paper
Mineral oil (if desired)
Base oils
Lye (sodium hydroxide)
Fragrance/essential oils (if desired)
Soap safe Colors (if desired)
Herbs (if desired)
Rubber gloves
Rubber spatula
Stainless steel slotted spoon
Plastic cup for measuring lye (sodium hydroxide)
Plastic bowl for measuring water/oils – should hold at least 4 cups
Plastic/glass container for lye water – will hold at least 4 cups
Stick blender (if desired)
Mold to pour your soap (wood, plastic, PVC pipe, cardboard)
Stainless steel pot
Distilled or filtered water
Parchment paper
Mineral oil (if desired)
Base oils
Lye (sodium hydroxide)
Fragrance/essential oils (if desired)
Soap safe Colors (if desired)
Herbs (if desired)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Soap Making 101 - 2
Lesson 2 - Lye Safety
Because soap making can be dangerous if not handled carefully, a little caution needs to be addressed.
Caution! – Lye Safety
- Soap making is not recommended for children because of the potential danger that lye poses.
- Carefully read the warning label on the lye bottle. Lye is also known as caustic soda (sodium hydroxide)
- Use only pure lye granules — do not make the mistake of substituting drain cleaner. It contains other ingredients that you would not want in your soap.
- Be sure to keep the lid tight on the bottle of lye. Moisture in the air will weaken its strength and cause it to form lumps.
- Lye can be fatal if swallowed.
- Always wear rubber gloves and protective clothing, such as a long sleeved shirt and shielding eye wear when working with lye. No opened toed shoes.
- Be sure to work in a well-ventilated area. Vapors released from the lye when it is first mixed with water are quite noxious, and can greatly irritate the lungs.
- Always have a bottle of vinegar close at hand. Vinegar will help neutralize the lye/water mixture if it happens to splatter on your skin.
- Lye can remove paint, so be careful not to let it come in contact with any painted surfaces. If lye, lye/water or even freshly made soap splatters on any painted surface, wash the area quickly with water and detergent. Rinse with clear water and wipe dry.
- Freshly made soap can burn and irritate the skin, therefore it’s best not to handle soap with bare hands for at least 48 hours. If your skin does come into contact with fresh soap, rinse your skin with vinegar immediately, then rinse with running water.
- Do not use any containers made of tin, zinc or aluminum. Lye will react with them.
Recommended containers for mixing your soap include glass, plastic, stainless steel, enamel, and heat proof stoneware.
Soap Making 101 - 1
Susan’s Soap making 101
Lesson 1 - a little definition
Saponification - Fat and oils are also known as triglycerides. Triglycerides are made of three fatty acids and a glycerol (figure). Strong alkali, like sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or potassium hydroxide (KOH, react with triglycerides to form glycerin and fatty acid salts—soap!
Lesson 1 - a little definition
Saponification - Fat and oils are also known as triglycerides. Triglycerides are made of three fatty acids and a glycerol (figure). Strong alkali, like sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or potassium hydroxide (KOH, react with triglycerides to form glycerin and fatty acid salts—soap!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Lunch Counter Waitress sound portrait
Visit Lunch Counter Waitress sound portrait at and listen or read real life stories.
Why is it important to hear the story in the waitress’ own words?• Read the transcript - how is reading the transcript different from listening to the audio?• Re-tell the story in your own words, as if you are writing to an audience that has never heard of the incident before. What details are important to capture?
It is important to hear the story of the Woolworth’s Lunch-Counter Waitress, Geneva Tisdale, (Lunch Counter Waitress sound portrait) in her own words, because she gives meaning and truth to the story. She also brings life to her story, and it always helps to hear a story from the real person.
Reading the transcript does not have the same impact as listening to the audio recording of the Lunch-Counter Waitress as told by Mrs. Tisdale. When reading the transcript vs. listening to the audio you do not hear Mrs. Tisdale’s laugh, and that shows more emotion then just reading the transcript. You can experience a little of what she goes through during the time that is spoken of by listening to the emotion in her voice.
During the civil rights movement in 1960, at a luncheonette at Woolworth’s Greensboro, NC, Geneva Tisdale at 19 years old washed dishes if they needed washed, made sandwiches if that was needed, and did anything her boss told her to do.
At this time, African-Americans were segregated in the use of the same restaurants, bathrooms, and they were not allowed to serve food in a white restaurant.
At the Woolworth’s lunch counter there was not a sign prohibiting African-Americans from eating at the counter, but people just knew that as a silent policy.
On February 1, 1960, four freshmen from the Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina sat down at this counter. Working at the lunch counter that day was Mrs. Tisdale. Mrs. Tisdale thought at first that it was someone making a joke until she realized that they were serious in being served.
The freshmen tried to order a piece of pie and coffee. The white waitresses just kept passing by the young men, and telling them that they could not serve them.
Geneva Tisdale was expecting her third child at the time and her boss sent her home to wait out the sit-ins. As the days ran on more and more African-Americans came to protest, and by the sixth day thousands of people came to protest. The lunch counter shut down for two weeks, and when it reopened it was still segregated.
For five months, the student and Woolworth negotiated. The store finally changed its policy, and allowed African-Americans to be served at their lunch counter.
Mrs. Tisdale and other African-American workers were told to come to work on July 25, 1960 in their uniforms, but to bring a change of clothes. When they arrived at work they were told to go change into their other clothes, and walk around the store with shopping bags. Then they were told to come to the lunch counter and order something fast to eat. If they didn’t order something fast, reporters would show up taking their pictures and Mrs. Tisdale did not want to be in the paper.
So, they ate fast and left. They went upstairs to change back into their work clothes and went back to work. No one knew that they were the first African-American’s to eat at the lunch counter that day.
More then 30 years later, Mrs. Tisdale says that she has not eaten at the lunch counter, but she would have liked to bring her grandchildren there to eat. Unfortunately, she will not get the chance as Woolworth’s lunch counter has closed. The stored closed later.
Mrs. Tisdale worked for the lunch counter at Woolworth for 42 years, and her wage was five dollars and fifty cents. She talks about the civil rights movement and what has not changed. She feels that if a white person had held the same position they would have made more money on the hour then she did.
Why is it important to hear the story in the waitress’ own words?• Read the transcript - how is reading the transcript different from listening to the audio?• Re-tell the story in your own words, as if you are writing to an audience that has never heard of the incident before. What details are important to capture?
It is important to hear the story of the Woolworth’s Lunch-Counter Waitress, Geneva Tisdale, (Lunch Counter Waitress sound portrait) in her own words, because she gives meaning and truth to the story. She also brings life to her story, and it always helps to hear a story from the real person.
Reading the transcript does not have the same impact as listening to the audio recording of the Lunch-Counter Waitress as told by Mrs. Tisdale. When reading the transcript vs. listening to the audio you do not hear Mrs. Tisdale’s laugh, and that shows more emotion then just reading the transcript. You can experience a little of what she goes through during the time that is spoken of by listening to the emotion in her voice.
During the civil rights movement in 1960, at a luncheonette at Woolworth’s Greensboro, NC, Geneva Tisdale at 19 years old washed dishes if they needed washed, made sandwiches if that was needed, and did anything her boss told her to do.
At this time, African-Americans were segregated in the use of the same restaurants, bathrooms, and they were not allowed to serve food in a white restaurant.
At the Woolworth’s lunch counter there was not a sign prohibiting African-Americans from eating at the counter, but people just knew that as a silent policy.
On February 1, 1960, four freshmen from the Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina sat down at this counter. Working at the lunch counter that day was Mrs. Tisdale. Mrs. Tisdale thought at first that it was someone making a joke until she realized that they were serious in being served.
The freshmen tried to order a piece of pie and coffee. The white waitresses just kept passing by the young men, and telling them that they could not serve them.
Geneva Tisdale was expecting her third child at the time and her boss sent her home to wait out the sit-ins. As the days ran on more and more African-Americans came to protest, and by the sixth day thousands of people came to protest. The lunch counter shut down for two weeks, and when it reopened it was still segregated.
For five months, the student and Woolworth negotiated. The store finally changed its policy, and allowed African-Americans to be served at their lunch counter.
Mrs. Tisdale and other African-American workers were told to come to work on July 25, 1960 in their uniforms, but to bring a change of clothes. When they arrived at work they were told to go change into their other clothes, and walk around the store with shopping bags. Then they were told to come to the lunch counter and order something fast to eat. If they didn’t order something fast, reporters would show up taking their pictures and Mrs. Tisdale did not want to be in the paper.
So, they ate fast and left. They went upstairs to change back into their work clothes and went back to work. No one knew that they were the first African-American’s to eat at the lunch counter that day.
More then 30 years later, Mrs. Tisdale says that she has not eaten at the lunch counter, but she would have liked to bring her grandchildren there to eat. Unfortunately, she will not get the chance as Woolworth’s lunch counter has closed. The stored closed later.
Mrs. Tisdale worked for the lunch counter at Woolworth for 42 years, and her wage was five dollars and fifty cents. She talks about the civil rights movement and what has not changed. She feels that if a white person had held the same position they would have made more money on the hour then she did.
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